Chocolate Pitweiler (Pitbull Rottweiler Mix)

Pitweiler Dog Breed

Other names:
American Pitweiler
Rottie Pit
Rottweiler Pit Bull Terrier

Pronounced: pit-wy-lur

The Pitweiler is a somewhat large-sized dog produced from crossing a Pitbull (preferably American but English as well) with a Rottweiler. They will get traits from both parent breeds, but even in a single litter, each pup may get different traits in different ways than the other pups. Regardless, they are sure to be headstrong, dominant, highly energetic, attentive and in need of lots of daily exercise and attention. If you are not a professional dog trainer, it's best to not only learn about both parent breeds but to seek professional help when training and socializing your Pitweiler puppy.

These are not apartment dogs, and the bigger the house and larger the (well-secure) yard, the better. Smaller animals, other dogs and very small and/ or young children may pose a problem. You need to be dominant or your Pitweiler may well take over the household and present behavioral problems. If you are not prepared for a decade or more of daily responsibility with exercise and attention, the Pitweiler is probably not for you. Although they are highly loyal, very protective and rather playful, they must be socialized and trained very early as well as constantly and with professional patience.

Pitweiler Breed Details

The Pitweiler is bred from a sporting / hunting breed (Pitbulls) and a hunting / herding breed (Rottweilers), and while it is unknown why this hybrid was produced, the ferocity for which the two parent breeds are known can be greatly mitigated if you are an experienced dog owner who is ready to be responsible for early, persistent and very patient socialization and training of your Pitweiler puppy. These are not dogs for first-time families or people who live in small apartments, and you must be ready to calmly counter the inherit dominance of the Pitweiler's personality. To be sure, Pitweilers are extremely loyal, highly protective of their family members and remarkable energetic, and if you take the time to attend their needs, you will find them loving dogs who can still be guard dogs for family and home.


  • Inexpensive
  • Low shedder
  • Minimal barker
  • Highly devoted
  • Extremely loyal
  • Very Competitive
  • Great guard dogs
  • Remarkably strong
  • Endlessly energetic
  • Low grooming maintenance
  • Intuitive of otherwise unperceived dangers
  • relatively tolerant to extreme temperatures


  • Very territorial
  • Bad reputation
  • Highly dominant
  • Strong hunting instincts
  • Requires a lot of daily exercise
  • Not good with first-time families
  • Needs a big house and secure yard
  • Requires extra and constant training
  • Extremely desirous of constant attention
  • Must be socialized early, persistently and patiently
  • Cannot be left unattended with young / small children
11 - 15 yrs.
18 - 26 in.
45 - 100 lbs
OverallFamily FriendlyChild FriendlyPet FriendlyStranger Friendly
Easy to GroomEnergy LevelExercise NeedsHealthShedding Amount
Barks / HowlsEasy to TrainGuard DogPlayfulnessWatch Dog
Apartment DogCan be AloneGood for Busy OwnersGood for New OwnersIntelligence

Pitweiler Breed Description

The Pitweiler is a hybrid produced by cross-breeding a Pitbull with a Rottweiler and as such, they will inherit characteristics from both parents — but not in a predictable fashion. First-generation hybrids are well-known for being unstable in the genetic traits they acquire, and that must be closely considered when contemplating the adoption of a Pitweiler. Due to the infamy of the parent breeds, this hybrid is alleged by many dog lovers and breeders to have been produced to evade dangerous dog lists. (In many countries and certain states in the USA, ownership and / or sale of certain pure breeds is illegal.) Although the country of origin is unknown, it is thought to be the United States.

Pitweilers are not for first-time owners, and as the two parent breeds are highly intelligent, difficult to train and have histories as fighting dogs (Rottweilers date back to Roman times), they are not for people who will not take the time to patiently, persistently and professionally socialize and train them.

Pitweilers are extremely strong, territorial and loyal. They are not fond of strangers, and small animals (as well as small children) can easily and quickly trigger their hunting / fighting instincts. They don't bark much, and they tend to not give overt advance signals when preparing to attack. Only very experienced dog owners should adopt this crossbreed; understanding a dog's body language is paramount to owning a Pitweiler.

For those who are ready to be responsible for a Pitweiler, significant daily exercise is a must. These dogs have a lot of energy that must be burned off, and neglecting this need will quickly result in destructive and dangerous behavior.

Pitweiler Temperament

Pitweilers come from two potentially ferocious breeds: Pitbulls have been around for a few centuries and were bred to herd, hunt and fight, and Rottweilers have been around since the Roman empire and were bred for war, fighting and protection. Like any hybrid, your Pitweiler will acquire characteristics from both parents but not in a predictable fashion and not even in the same way as other puppies in the same litter. Despite that, Pitweilers — with early, constant and very patient training — can be loving, devoted, family-oriented and playful. They require a lot of exercise and attention as their energy and devotion must be perpetually attended lest they redirect it toward dangerous and destructive behavior.

Females tend to be more aggressive than males, and they can be especially aggressive toward other females. Smaller animals, other dogs and young and / or small children should not be left unattended with Pitweilers as they will almost certainly inherit their parents' strong hunting instincts and can be easily triggered if not in the presence of a dominant person.

They are sure to be territorial but when socialized and trained early and properly, they will be very loyal to their family and your property. They are highly suspicious of strangers, and they don't bark much nor do they give much warning when they are about to attack. These are dogs that are not at all recommended for first-time dog owners, and even if you have lived with dogs a long time, professional training is strongly suggested. It's best to adopt Pitweilers as puppies, as adopting older and / or rescue Pitweilers may pose problems depending on the dog's prior owners and history.

Pitweiler Health

Pitweilers usually have fewer health concerns than their parent breeds — Pitbulls and Rottweilers — but they can also inherit their parents' problems such as hip dysplasia, bloat, heart issues, food allergies (chicken is said to be especially problematic) and dry skin. Kept healthy, happy and very active, they should have a life span of up to 15 years.

Pitweiler Health Concerns

Below are potential health concerns associated with Pitweilers.

Hip dysplasia
Dry skin

About this Article

Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:January 23, 2017