Afghan Hound Outside in Fall Mikhailova

Afghan Hound Care

The Afghan Hound is quite an unusual breed: tall, slender, long-haired, and extremely fast, these dogs are independent, aloof, and even a bit goofy. The breed's unique temperament and physical features make Afghan Hound care and maintenance a pretty time-consuming thing--but these dogs are highly prized both in the show ring and as family companions.

Below you'll find details on caring for an Afghan Hound including info about puppy development, exercise needs, and shedding/drooling tendencies. For answers to your questions about owning this fascinating breed, keep reading!

Afghan Hound Exercise Needs

It's not too far-fetched to compare the Afghan Hound's athleticism to that of a horse: the breed is tall, rangy, long-legged, and extremely fast, able to cover ground in long strides. While these dogs' exercise needs aren't extremely high, they will need daily activities that include some running. Since Afghan Hounds were originally developed to hunt game like antelope and even leopards, they'll need plenty of chances to stretch their considerable legs. (Meaning, of course, they make terrific jogging and bicycling companions!)

The typical adult Afghan Hound, depending on its age and overall activity level, will need 60-90 minutes of proper exercise per day, which you can accomplish with a couple of long walks, jogs, or bike rides and a period of play. You can start exercising your Afghan Hound puppy at three months old by taking it on short (10-minute) leashed walks, then you can increase the walks' length and frequency as the puppy grows.

A few precautions to consider when exercising your Afghan Hound: first, puppies younger than nine months old shouldn't participate in activities that include a lot of jumping, running, and navigating of stairs, as doing so can injure their still-developing joints and bones. Regardless of age, all Afghan Hounds will also need to be leashed when in public. These dogs have incredibly high prey drives, and will instinctively chase other animals--squirrels, birds, cats, even other dogs--if given the chance; a leash will help you control your Afghan if it spies an interesting-looking critter. And one of the best physical activities for this breed is being allowed to run free in a large yard--but the area will need to be securely fenced to keep the Afghan from running off to track animals it thinks are prey.

Safeguards aside, exercising your Afghan Hound every single day is an absolute must. Though these dogs are independent and aloof, if they become bored and restless they'll be frustrated and mean-spirited, and can turn highly destructive. Consistent exercise will be great for the dog's peace of mind--and your own sanity as well. A few exercise ideas:

  • Walking/Jogging/Bicycling: Two 30-minute walks (or 20-minute jogs or bike rides) per day is a good target
  • Yard Dash: Running free in a large fenced yard is perfect for these dogs
  • Hide-and-Seek: Great indoor, rainy-day activity; give the dog a treat when it finds you
  • Canine Sports: Afghan Hounds can excel at lure coursing, agility trials, and other competitions
  • Hiking: Great bonding activity; bonus if you can find a remote area where the dog can be off-leash

When indoors, it's a good idea to give your Afghan access to one or more balls or chew-toys that will allow the dog to burn excess energy. It's also recommended that you establish a regular exercise schedule for the dog, such as walks, jogs, or bike rides after breakfast and dinner and a play period in the afternoon.

Afghan Hound Maintenance

In terms of shedding and drooling, these dogs need little to moderate care. Afghan Hound shedding is fair, and year-round (meaning the breed doesn't shed only seasonally); drooling is not an issue.

Afghan Hounds have silky, long-haired coats that shed somewhat all year long--but the length of the shed hairs will make the shedding seem more profuse than it actually is. These dogs will need frequent brushing to keep the shedding to a minimum (and to keep the coats from tangling). Occasional vacuuming of the floors and lint roller use on clothes and furniture will be necessary to pick up stray hairs, but it won't be a constant task.

And an Afghan Hound almost never drools. If your Afghan is drooling excessively, it may be a sign of a medical issue, in which case a veterinarian's care is recommended.

Temperature Range

The coast of Afghan Hounds initially served as protection from harsh climate in mountainous regions and because of this, they are comfortable in cold weather but do not do as well in warmer to high temperatures. Afghan Hounds should never do any sort of activity or exercise in warmer temperatures.

Afghan Hound Grooming

Read the grooming requirements for Afghan Hounds including coat care and other maintenance.

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Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:June 5, 2018