Black & White Aussiedoodle

Aussiedoodle Dog Breed

Other names:
Australian Poodle
Australian Shepherd Doodle
Australian Shepherd Poodle
Poodle Australian Shepherd

The aussiedoodle is a hybrid dog breed which is the offspring of an Australian Shepherd and a Poodle. As a mixed breed the aussiedoodle will display physical and behavioral traits from both parent breeds. Not all aussiedoodles will receive equal traits from the parents, as some will have more poodle characteristics and others may have more Australian shepherd characteristics. This can lead to diversity between aussiedoodles (even in the same litter) and is a major reason why the breed is not accepted by many kennel clubs.

Ideally aussiedoodles will inherit the positive traits from both parent breeds. However, this is not always the case. Generally traits common both parent breeds will be visible in all aussiedoodles, but the traits unique to the Poodle or the Australian shepherd may or may not be inherited. Due to the uncertainty of the traits the aussiedoodle may inherit, it is recommended that future owners research both parent breeds to get a better understanding of the potential characteristics the aussiedoodle may display.

Aussiedoodle Breed Details

Below are the characteristics and traits of the aussiedoodle dog breed.

12 - 15 yrs.
12 - 25 in.
25 - 70 lbs
OverallFamily FriendlyChild FriendlyPet FriendlyStranger Friendly
Easy to GroomEnergy LevelExercise NeedsHealthShedding Amount
Barks / HowlsEasy to TrainGuard DogPlayfulnessWatch Dog
Apartment DogCan be AloneGood for Busy OwnersGood for New OwnersIntelligence

Aussiedoodle Breed Description

The aussiedoodle's size is dependent upon the size poodle used when breeding. Standard poodles will create a larger aussiedoodle while miniature poodles are used to produce a smaller aussiedoodle. Because of this, their size can range between 15 to 70 pounds.

Since both the Australian Shepherd and the Poodle are considered highly intelligent dog breeds, it is likely that aussiedoodles will be extremely intelligent. As with all intelligent dog breeds, it is important to mentally stimulate the aussiedoodle to prevent the breed from developing unwanted habits out of boredom. Teaching the aussiedoodle tricks should be easy and may not be enough of a mental challenge for the breed. Some owners may need to give their dog tasks or use dog puzzles to keep the aussiedoodle's mind occupied.

Since the Poodle's coat is considered hypoallergenic, it is very possible that the aussiedoodle may inherit this gene from the Poodle parent. This makes the aussiedoodle a better choice for people with sensitive allergies, although the drawback is the coat may need frequent clipping and grooming to keep it clean and tangle free.

Aussiedoodle Breed History

Since the aussiedoodle is a cross breed, it doesn't have a set history. The breed likely originated in the 1980's when hybrid dogs started to become popular.

Aussiedoodle Appearance

The aussiedoodle is considered an adorable dog by many, and is one of the reasons for the breed's popularity. The breed comes in many different colors and patterns and the coat can have the characteristics of the Australian shepherd (long and straight) or resemble the Poodle (loose and curly).

Aussiedoodle Colors

The images below represent the coat colors and patterns associated with Aussiedoodles.

White and Black
White and Black
White and Blue
White and Blue
Additional Coat Colors
Blue Merle
Brindle Merle
Lilac Merle

Aussiedoodle Variations

Some breeders proclaim that, due to hybrid vigor, F1 Aussiedoodles are the only crossbreeds that should be produced. The multi-gen Aussiedoodle breeders, however, boast that breeding to create an "official" Aussiedoodle purebred is the way to go and that the F1b, F2, etc., do not possess the problems that the so-called purists purport. A brief generational breakdown follows:

1. The F1 Aussiedoodle, which is 50% each of the Australian Shepherd and the Poodle (either Toy, Miniature or Standard). The most unpredictable generation in regards to appearance and temperament.

2. The F1B Aussiedoodle coat and some other aspects can be controlled a bit more depending on whether the F1 Aussiedoodle is bred back to a Poodle (which is what most breeders will do) to promote the non-shedding, more curly coat, or to a Shepherd (which is what is rarely, if ever, done).

3. The F2 Aussiedoodle, which is produced when two F1s are mated, has a slightly higher chance than the F1 of inheriting genetic defects and illnesses. This is a necessary step toward that F7 generation that is the first generation that may be considered for inclusion in the purebred kennel clubs.

4. The F2B Aussiedoodle comes from breeding back an F1 to an F1B; the F3 is the result of breeding two F2s, and so on.

Aussiedoodle Temperament

The aussiedoodle's temperament will be similar to the temperament of the Poodle and the Australian shepherd. Both parent breeds are intelligent, devoted to their family, and willing to please, so it is likely most aussiedoodles will share these traits. While it would be desirable for an aussiedoodle to have a mix of complementing traits from both parent breeds, it's not always the case. Poodle's and Australian Shepherds were bred for completely different purposes, so these instincts may or may not be inherited in aussiedoodles.

Aussiedoodles that inherit mostly Australian shepherd temperaments will share more traits with the Australian shepherd than the poodle. If this is the case you can expect a hard working herding breed that dislikes downtime. These dogs need owners with strong leadership qualities that display confidence, otherwise the dog may ignore your commands. The herding instincts inherited from the Australian shepherd may drive the aussiedoodle to herd pets, children, and people who wander too far away from the family.

Aussiedoodles that inherit more Poodle traits will tend to show more poodle mannerisms and behavior. If your aussiedoodle inherits more poodle traits, you can expect a well rounded dog which is capable of excelling at many tasks and jobs. The dog will likely have a strong desire to swim and will enjoy endless games of fetch. They cope wonderfully with family and pets, but may be wary towards strangers or unwelcome guests.

Aussiedoodle Maintenance

The aussiedoodle will likely be a medium to high maintenance dog. The breed has high energy, needs adequate mental stimulation, and has moderate grooming requirements. The maintenance requirements of the aussiedoodle may be too demanding for inexperienced or busy owners, so this should be taken into consideration when choosing a dog for your lifestyle.

Grooming Requirements

The aussiedoodle can inherit the coat characteristics of either the poodle or the Australian shepherd. If the aussiedoodle's coat is similar to the poodle it will require daily brushing and will need to be clipped frequently (about once every 8-12 weeks). Besides the coat, their nails will need to be cut regularly and they will need to be bathed as needed.

Exercise Requirements

The aussiedoodle will likely be a very energetic and active dog breed that will need moderate daily exercise. It is unlikely that they will reach their daily exercise needs by running around in a backyard and will need one to two walks daily.

Living Requirements

Aussiedoodles should do well in apartments and small homes, as long as they are exercised regularly to meet their energy requirements. They can also cope well in large yards, but generally prefer to be close to their family if they aren't performing any type of job or task.

Aussiedoodle Health

As a hybrid dog breed, the aussiedoodle should be healthier than its purebred parents (due to more genetic diversity). However, all dogs have the potential to develop health issues so it is important to make sure the breeder has ensured that both parents have been cleared of any unwanted health problems. With that being said, it is possible that health issues common in both parent breeds may be inherited by the aussiedoodle. These issues include:

Aussiedoodle Health Concerns

Below are potential health concerns associated with Aussiedoodles.

Hip dysplasia
Progressive retinal atrophy

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Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:August 30, 2016