Belgian Mastiff Breed Details
Below are the details and facts for the Beligan Mastiff dog breed.
The Belgian Mastiff is a large, brawny dog currently classified as extinct, though there are efforts in place seeking to revive the breed. This mastiff has a dauntless stride and tireless work ethic. In the past, these dogs were used for laborious jobs like pulling carts and guarding farms. Though these dogs have a tendency for aggression towards strangers and other dogs, they were also known for their loyalty, affection and tenderness towards their family.
Below are the details and facts for the Beligan Mastiff dog breed.
Adults will reach a height of 27 to 32 inches and weigh in at 99-110 pounds. Due to their large size and powerful build, Belgian Mastiffs make for excellent guard dogs.
This breed is known to be affectionate and loyal towards its family, but often distrustful and sometimes aggressive towards strangers and other animals.
If it is not being worked, a Belgian Mastiff requires a long daily walk and a large yard to run around in. These dogs do shed and require regular brushing but beyond that little grooming is required.
Up until the years following World War I, Belgian Mastiffs were used by poor Belgians to pull carts in place of horses, and by wealthy citizens seeking a loyal and intrepid guard dog. As automotive technology outmoded the need for canine labor, the stock of these dogs, already tremendously thinned by World War I, began to disappear. Today, the breed is considered extinct, though there are those who claim to have found living specimens, and are now trying to resurrect the breed.
The Belgian Mastiff is a mastiff-type dog of enormous size. Its frame is rectangular and powerfully designed, and it moves with a composed and domineering air. The head is huge and wide, and the neck is strong with some loose skin. According to the general standards of the mastiff breed, Belgian mastiffs have large but not broad heads with deep-set eyes, coat-colored noses and well-tapered muzzles. Their teeth are of level bite because of the scissor-like configuration.
The Belgian mastiff also has a strongly-muscled neck tapering to a deep, broad and strong chest able to pull on carts, just like its ancestors. Their backs are equally powerful with a covering of short, smooth and loose coat. The legs are also well-muscled, parallel to each other and set well apart. These physical characteristics made for an athletic build and apparent muscular strength.
The images below represent the coat colors and patterns associated with Belgian Mastiffs.
The Belgian Mastiff is a loyal, dutiful, and obedient companion. These dogs love their families and will be fearless in protecting them, and tireless in working for them. In the early 20th century, they were commonly used to haul carts and other heavy loads for their Belgian families. They get along with children but do have issues with other dogs and strangers; if the Belgian Mastiff perceives a threat, it may respond with aggression. Nonetheless, these dogs can be calm and well-mannered as long as they receive proper training and have an owner who establishes him or herself as the leader of the pack.
The Belgian Mastiff is a medium maintenance breed. If they are not being worked, a long daily walk and a yard to run around in will keep the large Belgian Mastiff exercised and healthy. Belgian Mastiffs shed throughout the year and require occasional brushing.
The short, thick coat does not require special care aside from brushing, which should be done at least a few times a week. The Belgian Mastiff is a seasonal shedder and may require additional brushing during this time.
This breed has been bred to work and if it is not engaged in an activity it requires long daily walks and ample room to run and play. The dog should be made to heel beside or behind the human holding the lead, never in front. As with many other large breeds it is important to remember that over-exercise is hazardous to a young dog's growth and development, but it still needs a daily walk. Long distance runs and high intensity exercise should be done only once the dog has matured.
Belgian Mastiffs should not be kept in an apartment or similarly enclosed space. They require a large area to freely move around in. As they have a natural tendency to protect their territory, Belgian Mastiffs feel most at home when they have a large yard to call their own.
Due to its status as an extinct breed, not much is known about this breed’s health. The Belgian Mastiff’s life expectancy is between 11 and 14 years.
Below are potential health concerns associated with Belgian Mastiffs.