Chug Grooming

The Chug, as a hybrid mix of a Chihuahua (with a short and smooth or longer and silky coat) and a Pug (a short, double-layered coat), usually has a coat that's somewhere in the middle: short, double-layered, and smooth. Chugs that have a longer-haired Chihuahua as a parent may have silkier coats and longer feathering on the neck and legs. Regardless of coat type, overall Chug grooming isn't too time-consuming.

The double coats will shed regularly (and heavier during the spring and fall shedding seasons), so Chug brushing will be required 2-3 times per week to help collect dead hairs. During shedding season, daily brushing is best. Brush these hybrids with a bristle brush or grooming glove; the weekly use of a de-shedding tool like a Furminator, especially during shedding season, will be helpful as well.

Baths will be needed every 2-3 months. See below for instructions on how to bathe a Chug.

And no Chug haircuts are necessary.

In addition to its coat, your Chug will need regular maintenance in other areas. Brush the dog's teeth 2-3 times a week using a regular toothbrush and canine toothpaste; clean the ears monthly with canine ear cleaning solution; and trim the nails every couple of months or so with standard nail clippers.

Though owners can learn to perform all aspects of Chug grooming themselves, it's a good idea to take the dog to a professional groomer at least once. The groomer can give the dog a nice makeover, and provide tips on how to groom a Chug at home.


It'll generally be necessary to give your Chug a wash every 2-3 months--unless, of course, the dog gets especially dirty or stinky and an "emergency bath" is called for.

It's also important when bathing a Chug to use shampoo that's made for dogs, as the human kind has a different pH and can irritate the dog's skin. The best shampoo for Chug dogs includes brands like Earthbath, Burt's Bees, and 4-Legger--all of which will make your Chug smell fresh and clean.

Before the Chug bath, give the dog a good brushing. Your Chug might be small enough to bathe in the kitchen sink; otherwise, a bathtub (which hopefully has a spray nozzle attachment; if not just use a large cup) or an outdoor plastic pool using a garden hose will work. Wet the coat thoroughly, then apply a small amount of Chug shampoo to the dog's back. Lather well, working downward and outward as you go. (And don't forget the legs, underbelly, and tail!) Clean the dog's face, head, and ears with a washcloth, then rinse the shampoo completely from the coat. (Leftover soap residue will cause further skin irritation.)

Towel-dry the dog, then give the coat another quick brush-through to make it look neat, clean, and fresh.

Chug Care

See the complete guide on how to care for Chugs.

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Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:April 29, 2020