Hawaiian Poi Dog Breed

Other names:
Poi Dog

Pronunciation: [ Hawaiian pȯi dȯg ]

The Hawaiian Poi Dog was eaten out of existence, and the way they ate contributed to their demise too. These Polynesian dogs were said to have been around for more than a millennium when they became extinct in the early- to mid-19th century. In the 1960s, the Honolulu Zoo attempted to revive the breed but found there was so little to draw upon as well as too little interest, and the project was soon abandoned.

These days, the term "poi dog" tends to be used loosely and rarely refers to the extinct breed that was once used exclusively for bed-warming and family meals.

Hawaiian Poi Dog Breed Details

The Hawaiian Poi Dog was a companion dog that was kept for warmth while sleeping and then for food when needed; these dogs served no other purpose. The breed died out in the early 19th century. If these dogs existed today, it is difficult to know if the cultural heritage of eating them would remain in practice despite the otherwise taboo custom.

If, however, they were alive today, you might not find them desirable:


  • Low barkers
  • Easy to catch
  • Great bed-warmers
  • Apparently good to eat
  • Zero exercise requirements


  • Morbidly obese
  • Extremely lazy
  • Lived with swine
  • Allegedly very ugly
  • Very difficult to train
  • Large, flat, weak-chinned heads
  • Believed to have been rather stupid
  • Degenerative bone loss from very poor, paste-based vegetarian diet
8 - 10 yrs.
13 - 16 in.
15 - 35 lbs
OverallFamily FriendlyChild FriendlyPet FriendlyStranger Friendly
Easy to GroomEnergy LevelExercise NeedsHealthShedding Amount
Barks / HowlsEasy to TrainGuard DogPlayfulnessWatch Dog
Apartment DogCan be AloneGood for Busy OwnersGood for New OwnersIntelligence

Hawaiian Poi Dog Breed Description

The Hawaiian Poi Dog was a fat, lazy, and boorish breed that was apparently not attractive by modern standards. They may have been more a target of kids teasing them before being killed and served as meals, and they may have been too simple to train — let alone escape the fruit and stones thrown at them for fun. As these meals on "wheels" were said have waddled more than walked, there may have been little desire for them to walk too much or too far. There were very few details in the rare accounts of the Poi Dog being observed as it was either served up or as a sleeping companion.

As the dog was overfed only a paste that served to fatten it up for cooking and eating, they were not very active at all. They were said to literally hang out with the hogs, another animal that was kept to be eaten.

Hawaiian Poi Dog Health

The Hawaiian Poi Dog was said to have been a remarkably unhealthy breed while it existed. Some state that had the dogs not been literally eaten to death, they may have died out from gross obesity, excess stupidity and an inability to eat. Due to being fed a root-based paste, the dogs were dissuaded from chewing. This led to the poor dental health and a significant loss of jawbone structure.

Other than obesity, no accounts of their possible diseases are known to exist, and the dogs were usually killed to be eaten before they died of natural causes. Their average lifespan is unknown.

Hawaiian Poi Dog Health Concerns

Below are potential health concerns associated with Hawaiian Poi Dogs.


About this Article

Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:April 24, 2017