King Shepherd Breed Details
The King Shepherd is classified under the working group but was previously found in the herding group. This hybrid, which is widely believed to have been first produced in 1995 by Shelley Watts-Cross and David Turkheimer, was intended to be a very healthy and easily tempered working dog whose abilities would allow for easy adaptation to a wide range of jobs — such as police, guide and therapy work — as well as a be a great family companion.
- Obedient
- Courageous
- Very energetic
- Great guard dog
- Highly trainable
- Remarkably strong
- Versatile workday
- Excellent watchdog
- Few health problems
- Extremely intelligent
- Wonderful with children
- Can be a bit of a clown
- Can't wait to please you
- Loyal devotion to family
- Behaves well with other animals
- Expensive
- Headstrong
- Needs a lot of daily exercise
- High-maintenance with grooming
- Not suitable for small apartments / homes
- Must be properly and patiently socialized
- Can become overly protective of family and property
- Growing popularity leads to being poorly bred by backyard breeders (BYB)
- Requires a great amount of stimulation lest destructive behavior is taken up
- Strong tendency to dominate and requires "pack leader" or will take over the household