Leonberger Grooming

Leonberger grooming is not for the fainthearted. These gentle giants will be difficult enough to get into the tub, however, the real challenge is keeping that impressive, lush coat free of mats and tangles. It's recommended to thoroughly brush out your Leo weekly, but tangles should be brushed out as soon as they are felt. Bathing can be done every six weeks (more often if needed) with a hypoallergenic shampoo; make sure it's not too moisturizing so the coats natural texture is not changed. Ears usually need to be cleaned monthly-- same for nail trimming. Dental care is important for any and every dog, including the Leonberger; if you can't brush your Leo's teeth weekly, scheduling a couple dental cleanings per year can help prevent gum disease.

Leonberger Coat Care

Grooming the Leonberger's coat is time consuming but extremely important to keep up with; tangles can quickly form in the dense coat and, before you know it, they can become mats that are painful to your Leo and must be shaved off. Leos should be brushed VERY thoroughly at least once per week; you may need a slicker brush, undercoat rake, wide tooth comb, mat comb and some shears. It's best to brush out any palpable tangles and cut out any mats before the brushing session starts. Once you're ready you can brush the entire coat with the slicker brush then take your undercoat rake to the "fluffier" part where the dead hairs have likely built up. Finally, comb through any feathered areas.

Although the Leonberger's coat is kept natural, most owner choose to scissor the feet and shave the foot pads.

It's recommended to bathe this breed every 6 weeks or so-- this can be adjusted based on how dirty or smelly he/she gets. Always thoroughly brush your dog before bathing as once mats and tangles get wet it will be nearly impossible to get them out.

Getting Out Tangles

The thick Leonberger coat tends to tangle if not brushed consistently--particularly during shedding season, when dead hairs from the undercoat get snarled with the outer coat. The first defense against Leonberger tangling, of course, is consistent brushing! If the coat does develop a tangle, though, here are two ways of dealing with it:

  • Use your fingers. This is the preferred method. Simply use your thumbs and forefingers to separate the hairs, going strand by strand if necessary. If you like you can spray the tangle beforehand with some de-tangling solution; for stubborn tangles or mats, use scissors to cut them in half (or even fourths) to get the untangling process started.
  • Use a de-shedding tool. The idea here is to stop tangles from developing in the first place. It's true that when using a tool like a Furminator, Leonberger coats have fewer dead hairs, so the coats won't tangle as easily--the problem is, the tools often remove healthy hairs along with the dead ones, which leaves the coat looking uneven. Overall, using your fingers is the best method.

Leonberger Styling & Haircuts

The only styling your Leo will need is a thorough weekly (or more often if time permits) brushing. Some owners will scissor the feet but the Leonberger's immensely thick coat is most often left natural, especially for show dog purposes. It may be tempting to shave him/her to reduce the shedding, but a shaved Leonberger is not eligible for competition. Also, by shaving him you are taking away not only his characteristic looks but also, more importantly, his weatherproof coat that keeps him warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

Leonberger Care

See the complete guide on how to care for Leonbergers.

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Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:June 3, 2020