Lowchen Grooming

Lowchen grooming is a a massive task that is not recommended be done at home unless you have an on-call pro groomer. These little dogs have a different kind of coat than most other breeds. Anyone who has adopted a Lowchen will know that the initial cost indicates the significant resources required to maintain these dogs. On this page, you can learn many of the specifics about making sure this little "big" dog look his best!

Lowchen Coat Care

The Lowchen may appear to have a double coat, but these tiny lion dogs actually have one massive single layer of hair. What happens to the fine undercoat hairs of the single-layer coat will more severely affect the guard hairs that are the outer coat. You will want to make sure that the mats and tangles that are somewhat OK in most dog breeds are not allowed to get a foothold in the fur of the this breed. Cutting out such problems or shaving — in part or as a whole — the coat of a Lowchen will create unsightly spots and allow for conditions that invite hot spots, more mats, and quicker tangles.

Then there are the awful odors that these problems create, and the expense to get all this done will not only be great but not entirely successful. It is extremely important that this dog's coat be kept combed, brushed, and clean. If you properly brush a Lowchen's coat, there will be a lot less need for bathing frequently, and this is good. Overly frequent bathing can destroy the natural oils of a dog's coat, and this is like using too much harsh soap on your skin: it invites infections, fungi, and worse.

The coat of the Lowchen never stops growin'. This means that while there is little shedding and a lot less dander from this good aspect, there is a great amount of grooming that needs to be done to keep these dogs healthy, happy and alert!

Lowchen Styling & Haircuts

The Lowchen is a little dog that once had big responsibilities. They were also expected to look like their namesake: little lions. These days, they are all about looks, and grooming them is required for many reasons. Above all, however, is their health. If neglected, the long, fine hair can quickly become not just unsightly but a hotbed of health problems. What's good is that the grooming required to help prevent problems has a super upside: fabulous dogs who can own the Westminster runways! Well, OK, at least the dog parks and sidewalks, but still — they will turn heads, stop passersby, and be the top dog.

Here are some of the styles you can fashion your Lowchen's coat:

Lion Cut Although it's the most common haircut for these petite lion dogs, it looks great, it's relatively easy, and its universal appeal means that the better it's done, the more appealing it is. With some patience, guidance, and the proper grooming tools, you can learn to do this cut. The cutting is primarily of the hair on the legs, the haunches, and the tail, and doing as little as possible to allow the "lion's mane" to be free.

Natural Cut If you want this cut, it does't mean you can just neglect trimming. No! It means that there is simply very little trimming and, much like the dog show standards set down for the long-haired variety, the trimming is very selective. What you want to do is to keep your Lowchen combed, brushed, and free of debris so you don't have to give him a full haircut.

Lowchen Puppy Cut The Puppy Cut sounds simple, but it is not. It requires a lot of frequent trimming to keep the ever-growing hair of this breed's coat to look short, simple, and fresh — like a puppy! The need to trim the coat every few days means there is a lot of work.

Color-coordinating coat style This is not so much a coat style name as it is the best way to describe fashioning your Lowchen's coat colors to make his look unique. Unless you're a professional dog groomer who specializes in little dogs with long hair, you'll want to let just such a pro do this — but it will be worth the money!

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Authored by:Dog-Learn
Published:May 13, 2019