Lundehund Breed Details
The Norwegian Lundehund, or Norsk Lundehund, is a small spitz-type dog hailing from the Nordic island of Vaeroy. These dogs were bred to hunt Puffin birds on the rocky cliffsides where humans were not coordinated or flexible enough to traverse. Their extra toes help them grip steep cliffs while their ultra-flexible neck can bend far enough backward to touch the spine in order to get them into and out of the narrow cliff passages to the Puffin nests. Some time ago, Puffin hunting was outlawed as the Norwegian people no longer relied on Puffin as a food source and the Norwegian Lundehand was pushed towards the brink of extinction. The end of WWII saw the outbreak of two rounds of the canine distemper, after which only 6 dogs survived! Breeding programs have somewhat restored the Lundie population from nearly extinct to rare and they were recognized by the AKC in 2010. Consider the following Norwegian Lundehund info before deciding if the breed is right for you: