Shih Tzu Grooming

The Shih Tzu, depending on whether the dog is for companionship or for show, will require a lot of grooming. Owners can choose to clip their Shih Tzu coats short, in which case the Shih Tzu grooming needs aren't as extensive--but even a shaved Shih Tzu will need frequent brushing, bathing, and hair trims to keep the coat from tangling and looking unkempt.

Here you'll find plenty of info on Shih Tzu brushing, bathing, hairstyles, other grooming needs, pest prevention and treatment, and much more. Get answers to your questions about grooming a Shih Tzu in the following sections!

Shih Tzu Coat Care

Because of their log, silky coats, grooming for Shih Tzu dogs is quite a demanding task--and a major part of that Shih Tzu grooming is caring for its coat. While some owners use instructional videos and other Web pages to learn how to groom a Shih Tzu coat, many people instead rely on a professional Shih Tzu groomer for their needs.

Whether or not owners use a groomer, Shih Tzu dogs will need their coats maintained on a daily basis. This should include frequent brushing (3-4 times a week for companion dogs, and daily for show dogs) and baths every 3-4 weeks. (See more details on these in the Brushing and Bathing sections below.) These dogs' coats tend to mat and tangle easily, especially if left long, so brushing and bathing will minimize those tendencies.

Another question about Shih Tzu groom methods: to clip or not clip? In reality, both have their advantages. Leaving the Shih Tzu coat long will maintain the dog's natural beauty--but it'll take a lot more care. And the clipped coat will make the grooming of Shih Tzu dogs easier, but a lot of the coat's appeal will be lost. In the end, it's the owner's choice! For those who choose to clip themselves, start with a Google search for "how to groom a Shih Tzu with clippers," which will return numerous results on how to groom a Shih Tzu face, grooming for Shih Tzu puppies, and the like.

If you decide instead to utilize a groomer, Google searches for "Shih Tzu grooming near me" or "Shih Tzu groomers near me" will help you find the closest professional groomer.


Shih Tzus' coats will need frequent brushing. 3-4 times per week is recommended, but daily is okay too, particularly if the coat is long. The best brush for a Shih Tzu is a pin brush--and a 2-in-1 comb for Shih Tzu facial hair, ears, and feet is good to have as well.

Here's how to brush a Shih Tzu: first wet the entire coat with water mist from a spray bottle (with a little de-tangling solution mixed in if desired). Then use the Shih Tzu brush to go over the entire coat, starting with the feet, legs, and belly and working upwards to the center of the back. If you encounter a mat or tangle, first try working it out with your fingers, then continue working through it with the comb. Finish by going through the hair on the face, ears, and feet with the Shih Tzu comb.

Getting Out Tangles

"How to keep Shih Tzu hair from matting?" is a frequent question asked by owners of these dogs. The best way to avoid a matted Shih Tzu coat: brush frequently! But if, unfortunately, your Shih Tzu has matted hair, here are several ways to fix the problem (and avoid it in the future):

The most thorough--but extreme--solution is to simply shave the coat, either yourself or using a groomer. If you choose to do it on your own, an Internet search for "how to shave a matted Shih Tzu" will provide plenty of instructions.

Removing the tangles instead will be difficult, but it can be done! Above all, owners should remember never to bathe their matted Shih Tzus, as water will only "set" the mats further. With each mat, first try separating it with your fingers, going hair by hair if necessary, the switch to using a comb to keep dividing the hairs. The process will take time and patience, but it is possible.

How to keep a Shih Tzu from matting in the first place: brush the dog daily. And before you brush, spray the coat with water mixed with de-tangling solution. If this is done, your Shih Tzu will likely remain mat- and tangle-free!


Bathing a Shih Tzu can be a pleasurable experience for both dog and owner. How often to bathe a Shih Tzu, though? General guidelines for Shih Tzu bathing is every 3-4 weeks, unless the dog becomes especially dirty or stinky.

How to bathe a Shih Tzu: make sure to give the dog a thorough brushing first. These dogs are usually small enough to bathe in the kitchen sink, so your Shih Tzu bath will work well there. Wet the coat thoroughly with warm water, then apply a small amount of Shih Tzu shampoo to the dog's back. (And be sure to use Shih Tzu shampoo and conditioner that's made for dogs, as the human kind can irritate the dog's skin. The best shampoo for a Shih Tzu includes brands like Burt's Bees, 4-Legger, and EarthBath.) Lather well and work downward and outward--and don't forget the legs, belly, and tail! Use a washcloth on the face and ears, being careful not to get soap in the eyes--then rinse the shampoo completely from all areas. Repeat the entire process with Shih Tzu conditioner, then towel- and/or blow-dry the coat. Finish with another quick brushing to make the coat look clean and neat.

Since this breed is also prone to tear stains, cleaning Shih Tzu eyes is another important task. First, make sure to clean beneath the eyes daily with a damp cloth to keep the area clean. But how to clean a Shih Tzu eyes when the stains have already formed? Here's how to clean Shih Tzu tear stains: though dozens of remedies exist, veterinarians say the best way is with a solution containing boric acid (like contact lens cleaner or liquid Vitamin C). Twice a day, put some of the solution on a cotton ball and wipe the stained areas.

Shih Tzu Styling & Haircuts

Along with the Poodle, Shih Tzu haircuts are incredibly popular for owners. Contrary to what some believe, though, cutting Shih Tzu hair can be done at home with some practice! Depending on your chosen Shih Tzu haircut style, you might want to have it done by a professional groomer at least once, to at least see the Shih Tzu cut methods the groomer uses. Here are a few popular ShihTzu haircuts:

  • Puppy Cut: On a Shih Tzu, puppy cut styles are both adorable and easy to maintain. The hair is cut short (to 1-2 inches) all over, with the hair on the face, legs, and tail sometimes left a little longer. Can be done at home with a bit of practice.
  • Teddy Bear Cut: On a Shih Tzu, teddy bear cuts look incredibly cute. Similar to the puppy cut, the teddy bear cut sees the entire coat cut fairly short--but the hair on the legs, face, and tail are carefully sculpted and rounded to make the dog resemble a stuffed animal. Can be done at home, but will definitely take some practice.
  • Lion Cut: For Shih Tzu, this style has an exotic flavor. Most of the body, legs, and tail are clipped short, but the hair on the face, neck, and chest are left long. Round "poms" are also chiseled on the tops of the feet and tail tip. The overall look has the Shih Tzu looking like a tiny lion. Best done by a groomer.
  • 3-Layer: Also called the 3-stack, this complicated and artistic style has the hair on the face and ears cut to a horizontal line about shoulder length; the body hair is cut to a line about two inches from the ground; and the leg hair is cut to a line about a half-inch from the ground. The cut gives the impression of three distinct layers, or "levels." Definitely should be done by a groomer.
  • (BONUS) Top Knot: The Shih Tzu top knot goes well with basically any Shih Tzu hair styles. The hair on the top of the head is grown long, and is fastened near the head with a barrette, clip, or hair tie.

Paw Care

Caring for your Shih Tzu's paws will include trimming the nails, cutting the excess hair between the toes, and keeping the paw pads moisturized.

First, if your Shih Tzu's nails "click" on hard surfaces, it's time for a trim. How to cut Shih Tzu nails: using regular nail clippers, cut each nail even with the end of the toe. Be sure not to cut too short, though, as doing so will cut into the "quick" (the blood vessel running through the nail), causing it to bleed and be painful.

Too much hair between the toes can cause those areas to get dirty and infected. Use nail scissors or something similar to cut the hair as short as possible.

And your Shih Tzu's paw pads can become dry and cracked, especially if the dog does a lot of walking on hot asphalt or snow/ice. Use a paw moisturizer like Burt's Bees or Paw Nectar (brands available from most pet stores) to keep your Shih Tzu's paws soft and moist.

Fleas, Ticks, & Other Pests

For the Shih Tzu, fleas and ticks are a problem, just like they are for any dog. Below are steps to take for both prevention and treatment--but if you're an owner who exclaims, "My Sih Tzu has fleas!" the best step is to see a veterinarian. The vet will have the best Shih Tzu flea treatment, and will offer advice about fleas on Shih Tzu dogs.


  • Put a flea collar on the dog
  • Use a flea comb on the dog once per week
  • Wash the dog's bedding weekly
  • Buy prescription or over-the-counter flea/tick prevention products (shampoos, sprays, etc.)
  • Keep your lawn mowed short, particularly after a rain; fleas and ticks live better in tall, damp grass


  • See a veterinarian!
  • Again, have the dog wear a flea collar
  • Flea shampoo, powder, and/or spray
  • Clean your home thoroughly; in extreme cases, use indoor flea/tick spray or fogger

Other Care

Besides caring for its coat and paws, your Shih Tzu will need these areas maintained too:

  • Teeth: Shih Tzu teeth, like any dog's, will need regular brushing. This reduces plaque and tartar, keeps the Shih Tzu teeth from falling out, and lessens the occurrence of Shih Tzu bad breath. Brush the dog's teeth 2-3 times per week with a regular toothbrush, but be sure to use canine toothpaste, as dogs can get sick if they swallow the kind made for humans.
  • Tear Stains: Shih Tzu tear stains, like that of all smaller, lighter-colored dogs, are naturally-occurring. The Shih Tzu eye stains happen when the dog's eyes secrete tears (that contain lots of iron), and the tears cause reddish or brownish staining beneath the eyes. Some info on Shih Tzu tear stains removal: start with a Google search for "Shih Tzu tear stain remedies." Many exist, but vets recommend using a cleaning solution that contains boric acid, such as liquid Vitamin C or contact lens cleaner. (Many commercial tear stain cleansers contain boric acid as well.) Wet a cotton ball with the solution, and clean the areas twice daily.
Shih Tzu Care

See the complete guide on how to care for Shih Tzus.

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Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:November 1, 2019