Siberian Husky Grooming

Overall, the Siberian Husky is pretty low-maintenance when it comes to grooming. These dogs will only need weekly brushing (except during the spring and fall shedding seasons, when they'll need it daily)--and Huskies tend to keep themselves very clean, so they'll generally only need baths about every six months. Haircuts aren't necessary, and in fact shaving a Siberian Husky is not at all recommended.

Here you'll find plenty of info on Husky coat care, step-by-step instructions on brushing and bathing, and details about paw and dental care, pest control, and exactly why shaving a Husky is not a good idea. Get answers to your questions about grooming a Siberian Husky in the following sections!

Siberian Husky Coat Care

Overall grooming for Huskies will take a moderate amount of work, much of which will be caring for the dog's coat. For that coat care, Siberian Husky grooming will need to include brushing (2-3 times per week, and daily during shedding season), and occasional baths if the dog gets dirty or stinky (this breed tends to naturally keep itself clean). Haircuts and clipping are not recommended for these dogs.

A Husky grooming kit will be very helpful with this coat care. Husky grooming tools should include a wide-toothed comb, an undercoat rake for Husky dogs, canine shampoo, a toothbrush, and nail clippers.

If possible, see a Husky groomer at least once for advice on caring for the dog's coat. The groomer will be able to explain exactly why shaving a Husky is a bad idea, and provide various tips on how to groom a Siberian Husky at home.

Find detailed info on brushing, baths, and haircuts below.


A Siberian Husky brushing will need to happen at least twice per week--except during the spring and fall shedding seasons when the dog loses and replaces its undercoat, when the Husky brush will need to occur daily. Overall, the best brush for a Husky is a wide-toothed comb, preferably with rounded teeth that will better break up mats and tangles. Another of the best brushes for Huskies is an undercoat rake, which has small, curved teeth that trap undercoat hairs. When used together, these brushes for Huskies work better than each alone.

How to brush a Siberian Husky: start with the undercoat rake. Starting at the shoulders, go through the entire coat section by section with the rake, moving in the direction of hair growth. Repeat the process with the wide-toothed comb. Be sure to brush the underbelly, behind the legs, and under the tail, as this is where mats and tangles tend to form.

Getting Out Tangles

For the Siberian Husky, matted fur or tangled hair isn't a huge problem, as long as the coat is brushed and bathed regularly. And the key to avoiding mats and tangles in the first place is to start each brushing by using an undercoat rake. Doing so removes the loose, dead hairs that cause the mats and tangles--and it keeps the Siberian Husky's coat looking great as well. The rake that's proven to be the best: FURminator. For Husky dogs, this tool is great for de-tangling and de-shedding.

If a mat or tangle does form, though, the best thing to do is to first try working it out with your fingers (separating the clump hair by hair if necessary), then you can continue working through it with a comb. It'll take some time and patience, but it can be done!


From centuries of living in the wild, dogs of this breed have developed instincts to keep themselves pretty clean and odor-free--so bathing a Husky doesn't need to be a frequent task. Specifically how often should you bathe a Husky? Unless you have an especially stinky or dirty Husky, they'll only need a bath once every six months or so. If you give your Siberian Husky a bath too often, you'll actually wash away the natural oils that keep the coat moist, shiny, and waterproof.

Here's how to bathe a Husky: you can do it in either the tub or in an outdoor kiddie pool using a garden hose. Prior to your Husky bath, give the dog a thorough brushing to remove any excess dirt or debris. Then wet the coat thoroughly, and apply a quarter-sized amount of shampoo to the dog's back. (And make sure to use shampoo made for dogs, as the human kind can irritate a dog's skin.) Lather well, working downward and outward--and don't forget the legs, underbelly, and tail! Use a washcloth on the dog's face and ears to avoid getting soap in its eyes and ears. Rinse completely, then repeat the process with canine conditioner if desired.

Towel-dry the coat, then give it another quick brush-through with your comb to make the coat look neat and clean.

Siberian Husky Styling & Haircuts

In short, shaving Huskies is not a good idea. Ask a professional groomer, "Can you shave a Husky?" The answer is surely to be a resounding "No!" The only acceptable Husky haircut is maybe a half-inch off the outer coat, simply to neaten and even it out. Otherwise, just don't do it. Though it may not be obvious, shaved Husky dogs will be miserable--and here's why:

This breed, through its thousands of years of existence, has developed a double-layered coat that naturally regulates its body temperature. This double coat obviously traps warm air in between the two layers in cold temperatures--but it does the same with cool air in hot temperatures, which keeps the dog's body from overheating. So: shaving a Siberian Husky will not only make the dog cold in freezing weather, but its body temperature will be higher in hot weather. A shaved Husky is much more likely to get sunburned as well.

Though some Husky owners think clipping their dogs' coats short in summer will make the Husky more comfortable, that's simply not the case. Once again: leave those beautiful Husky coats alone!

Paw Care

A Siberian Husky will need its paws maintained in the following areas:

  • Nails: If your hear them "click" on hard surfaces, Siberian Husky nails need a trim. Clip each nail with standard nail clippers, to make it even with the toe--but be sure not to clip it too short! Doing so can cut into the nail's "quick" (the blood vessel running through the nail), making it bleed and be painful.
  • Toe Hair: If the hair between your Husky's toes gets too long, it can become excessively dirty and may even get infected. Cut the hairs as close to their roots as possible.
  • Paw Pads: A Husky's paw pads can get dry or cracked, especially if the dog walks a lot on hot asphalt or snow/ice. Use any number of commercial paw pad moisturizers, available at most pet stores, to keep your Husky's pads soft, moist, and healthy.

Fleas, Ticks, & Other Pests

Can Huskies get fleas and ticks? Like any dog, the answer is yes--especially if the dog spends a lot of time outdoors. And though a Google search for "how to get rid of fleas on a Husky" will produce a variety of results, the best flea treatment for Huskies is to see a veterinarian. Here's more info about pest prevention and treatment for your Husky:


  • Have the dog wear a flea collar
  • Use a flea comb (with long, fine teeth) once per week to remove fleas, ticks, and flea eggs
  • Wash your Husky's bedding frequently
  • Keep your lawn cut short, particularly after a rain; fleas and ticks live best in tall, wet grass
  • Use commercial sprays, powders, and shampoos


  • See a veterinarian
  • Use commercial shampoos, powders, and sprays
  • Clean your house thoroughly, including vacuuming any carpet
  • In some cases, indoor pest sprays or foggers will be needed

Other Care

Aside from its coat and paws, Siberian Husky teeth need regular care as well. Owners can use a regular toothbrush for their Husky dental care--but canine toothpaste is best, because a dog can get sick if it swallows the kind made for humans. Brush your Husky's teeth twice per week to reduce plaque, tartar, and bad breath. You can also give your Husky dental chews or treats, which help further reduce plaque and tartar buildup.

And don't forget: Husky puppy teeth need brushing too! Start brushing the pup's teeth when it's six months old so it can get used to the process.

Siberian Husky Care

See the complete guide on how to care for Siberian Huskies.

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Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:November 5, 2019