Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Grooming

Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier grooming is especially important, and the dog's name should make it apparent that these are high-maintenance dogs. Brushing is by far the most important aspect of grooming a Wheaten. Failing to do this will quickly allow mats, tangles and then the dreaded shaved dog.

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Coat Care

The Wheaten has a coat of fine fur that is highly susceptible to matting and tangling. Allowing mats and tangles to remain can result in infections that occur under the warm, moist areas. These, in turn, can prompt worse problems when the dog bites or scratches the skin, and foul odors can occur as well. A good Wheaten Terrier grooming guide can help you learn how to prevent such issues. You should also make sure you have the right Wheaten Terrier grooming tools so you don't have to end up shaving your Wheaten. They are single-coated dogs, and their coat will grow back well enough. Still, you should learn how to groom a Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier so you don't have to shave the dog. They don't shed much either, which may seem good but also means a lot more attention to grooming.


Getting the best brush for a Wheaten Terrier is just as important as how to brush the coat. Start at the rear near the tail, push a handful of hair forward and then brush that section back, bit by bit along the grain. You should be able to see a line between the hair that's been brushed and the hair that has yet to be brushed. This is why it's called "line-brushing." Despite the name, this doesn't require a brush. With the right comb you can get the minimal work done. You should, however, also get a brush for smoothing.

It's not recommended to use a de-matting tool. The Wheaten's coat tends to mat, but it's fragile, it's single-coated and the skin and fur are easily damaged by de-matting blades. You'll need to brush your Wheaten Terrier's coat about 4 times a week.

Here are some tips to make sure your Wheaten Terrier is lovingly and properly brushed:

  • Get a table that doesn't wobble
  • Make sure to have a large bin or bag for hair
  • Have all your tools at the ready
  • Start with a good de-tangler over the entire coat
  • Use your hands to feel and break up any mats or tangles
  • Make sure to get everywhere there is hair
  • Have her favorite doggy treats ready for occasional snacks!

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Styling & Haircuts

With all the grooming required to keep them clean, it's good to also know Wheaten Terrier haircuts and how to get that look. The secret of that look is the fall, which is the bit of hair that literally falls over the dog's eyes. There is that beard, of course, but without the fall, the look is bare.

Trimming the fall is not a style in itself. It can be done by trimming the side of the fall to the center of the dog's eyes. When done correctly you can see the Wheaten's eyes from the side but not from the front.

The Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Puppy Cut is a hairstyle that is easy for at-home grooming. This one is good for summertime or if you easier coat maintenance. The entire coat is cut the same length of about 1.5 to 2 inches long. The legs are trimmed straight down so they look like cylinders. The fall is cut short so they can see as well as have their eyes seen easily.

The Wheaten Terrier Show Cut is a high-maintenance style where the hair is left long so it appears to flow when the dog walks. Great attention is paid to the face to make sure the fall blends in with the muzzle hair and beard. This should only be done by experienced groomers.

Then there is the Wheaten Cut. It's like the Show Cut but the emphasis is on the face where the fall and the beard are basically kept intact. The hair between the ears is trimmed short, but not abruptly. The rest of the body is trimmed relatively short, not unlike a Puppy Cut. You can learn how to trim a Wheaten Terrier this way but you should learn by watching it be done first.

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Care

See the complete guide on how to care for Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers.

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Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:September 24, 2017