Where to Get A Toy Fox Terrier

The Toy Foxie is a very beloved dog, not only for its elegant tiny looks but also maintaining the fierce and amusing Terrier temperament. Although down sized varieties are not as abundant as their full-sized counterparts, it will not be very difficult to find Toy Fox Terrier puppies for sale. There are many Terrier mixes that are abandoned at the shelter or put up for adoption everyday; calling into local shelters is always an excellent idea. There are also rescue organizations online that specialize in specific breeds. The most important thing while searching for your Mini Fox Terrier puppy is to really put in the research to find a breeder that is reputable, knowledgeable, and offers health exams, certifications and guarantees.

Toy Fox Terrier Price

The cost of a Toy Fox Terrier is affected by many factors and you can be sure "toy" dogs will often cost more than standard size counterparts. A 5-7 week old puppy, on average, costs anywhere from $600-$1200. When evaluating the cost of a puppy ask yourself these questions:

1. Are they rare or have a high demand?
2. Is this a unique size that is not standard?
3. Are there health exams, certifications or guarantees that come with this puppy?
4. Are both parents registered breeds?
5. Have both parents won shows or are descended from winning bloodlines?

If you find this puppy's cost is not in your budget, not only is adoption a very human and beneficial choice but also consider rescuing or purchasing an adult Toy Rat Terrier.

Toy Fox Terrier Care

See the complete guide on how to care for Toy Fox Terriers.

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Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:November 5, 2016