Where to Get A Yorkie Pom

Yorkie-Poms (also known as Yoranians) come from cross-breeding Yorkshire Terriers and Pomeranians and are great dogs for first-time families with or without kids; they are also good for households with or without active adults (or senior citizens). These crossbred dogs are highly adaptable, don't require much exercise and tend to bark very little if at all. Because they are small, adorable dogs that are easily manageable in most every way, they are highly desirable; unfortunately, they are also offered by breeders who may not have in mind the interests of you or the puppies they produce.

On this page you can find information about where to find Yorkie Pom (Porkie) puppies for sale, how to avoid disreputable breeders and learn about the factors involving the price range of these adorable hybrid dogs!

Yorkie Pom Price

The Yorkshire Terrier and Pomeranian mix — known both as the Yorkie-Pom and the Yoranian — is a relatively popular hybrid that has a very wide price range. The price of a Yorkie-Pom puppy doesn't seem to follow any standards: those that are priced above $2,000 seem similar to those that may be offered for as low as $200.

There are some factors that tend to drive up the price of your desired Pomeranian Yorkie mix puppy:

  • Coat color may affect the adoption cost of a Yorkie-Pom; the more white (which means a stronger Pomeranian presence), the higher the price (usually).
  • Yorkie-Pom puppies with red in their coat can be a bit higher-priced too.
  • Breeders who have been recognized by reputable dog registries (such as the American Canine Association) may have higher prices on their Yorkie-Pom puppies.
  • Size may affect the price, and the smaller the parents (sometimes called Yorkie-Pom Teacups), the higher the price of their puppies.
Yorkie Pom Grooming

Read the grooming requirements for Yorkie Poms including coat care and other maintenance.

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Authored by:Dog-Learn
Updated:December 5, 2016